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Services & Strategy

Shareholder analysis is the principal most desired analytical tool for investor due diligence. Whether you are a CEO of a company or an investment dealer, the information Targeted provides capitalizes on opportunity and is essential to a successful operation.


Below is a chart that outlines the Investor Relations and CEO strategy for using Targeted ownership data. Below that there is a brief description of how Targeted data can be used by Investment dealers to maximize knowledge and profits.

Investor Relations Strategy CEO/Financial (CFO) & Executive (CEO/President) Strategy
Identify company ownership of your company and peers (based on industry similarity and similar market capitalization) Prepare for one-on-one meetings with portfolio managers by identifying their ownership in your company and yours peers to determine their ability to buy a large number of shares
Identify the largest current holders of your company Identify large potential investors for your company or plan new financing
Identify smaller holders of your company but larger holders of peer companies (they should buy large amounts of your stock) Build long term holders (equity partners) by meeting one-on-one with portfolio managers to outline company strategic plans, milestones and targets
Identify unknown owners of your company (Investment decisions are often made without consultation with the company, based on brokerage research analyst recommendations) Identify when large holders of your company are starting to reduce holdings in your company, creating the opportunity for you to influence positively the decision to divest your company
Identify a target group of 20-200 portfolios with the largest current ownership in your company and peer companies Monitor the effectiveness of your investor relations program - are managers actually buying and holding your company stock?
Monitor total industry group purchases and sales, by portfolio manager, to determine large net changes in industry weightings  

Establish an effective communications program using Targeted data - calls, faxes, e-mails, mailings and group one-on-one meetings using informed targeted information


Institutional Traders use Targeted data to trade blocks of stock by knowing the current owners of securities and by identifying current buyers and sellers by net change positions from previous holdings positions. The use of Targeted holdings data results in more blocks being traded and more commissions generated from these trades.

Institutional Sales staff, in addition to using the data in the same manner as the traders, also need to identify the holdings of the portfolio manager accounts for which they provide coverage. They can also identify new portfolio manager accounts using Targeted data, which can generate new sales commissions. The sales and trading departments often work in adjacent physical spaces and are always seeking the most up to date and comprehensive institutional holdings information available.

Research Analysts use Targeted when researching companies on whom they write reports and provide research coverage. Analysts need to know who the largest holders are for these companies and need similar information on peer companies. Research reports are sent to portfolio managers who own positions in the company being researched, both to brokerage firms' accounts and to attract new business from other fund managers. Research analysts are paid a significant portion of their compensation based on trading done by the institutional sales and trading departments and commissions generated in the stocks for which they provide research coverage.

Corporate Finance personnel use Targeted data to identify the largest holders of securities for corporate underwriting purposes. They generate very large fees for assisting companies to raise initial public offerings and secondary financing capital. The institutional holdings information is used in the corporate pitch books prepared by corporate finance departments to compete for the large fees paid by listed companies for raising capital.

Syndication Staff use Targeted data to identify the significant owners of listed companies and their peer companies in the selling of initial public offerings and secondary equity offerings.

Investment Banking uses Targeted holdings information to identify the largest holders of listed equities for mergers, acquisitions and other related activities. This department generates large fees for assisting companies in large securities sales and transactions.